Can Seamer
Can Seamer Categories
People buying in this category
Angelus Seamers, Can Seamer
Angelus 50P Seamer – 603 dia. Disk Feed – Steam Flow
603 diameter tooling
disk feed & steam flow
Click HERE for more photos and information
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a
Angelus Seamers, Can Seamer
Angelus 10P Seamer – 401 dia. — (Can be tooled for any diameter)
401 Diameter
Has coverfeed
Click HERE for more info & Video
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a
Can Seamer, New BMT Seamers
Model SRS 200PN – Semi Automatic Seamers (Round)
Fitted with an Auto Can Sensing (Proximity Switch) and Pneumatic Lifting system. The auto can sensor can be replaced with dual push buttons for added operator safety.
Heavy-Duty Construction
Ability to seam a wide range of Can Diameters and Heights with a quick changeover of tooling.
Will seam metal lids onto metal, composite (paper cans) or plastic cans.
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a
Angelus Seamers, Can Seamer
Angelus 75P Seamer – 202 dia.
202 diameter tooling
Can seam at speeds up to 60 cans per minute
Click here (or scroll down for mobile devices) to see more photos
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a
Can Seamer, Panama
Panama 603 dia. Seamer
603 diameter
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a
Angelus Seamers, Can Seamer
Angelus 29P Seamer – 404 / 202 Dia. Tooling Available
can be tooled for diameters 202 – 404
disk feed machine
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a
Can Seamer, Canco (American Can Co.) Seamers
Canco 06 Seamer – 307 diameter
307 diameter
single head automatic can seamer (atmospheric)
Click HERE for a video of this machine running under power
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a
Angelus Seamers, Can Seamer
Angelus 40P Seamer – 302 Dia. (Disk Feed)
Capable of seaming 202-404 diameter (with purchase of separate change parts)
Height range 1.5″ – 7″ (taller heights available with special stretch kits which we can provide)
Speed: rated up to 275 cans per minute
SKU: n/a
Angelus Seamers, Can Seamer
Angelus 10P Seamers – (several) without coverfeeds
Change parts available for 202-404 dia. RATED up to 85 cans per minute
Height range: 108 – 708 (13″ with special stretch kit*)
Click HERE for more info & Video
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a
Can Seamer, Canco (American Can Co.) Seamers
Canco 08 Seamer – 502 diameter
502 diameter tooling
fully automatic can seamer (atmospheric)
Speed range: up to 30 cans per minute
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a
Can Seamer, CCC, Panama
Panama Continental Seamer – 401 Dia.
401 diameter tooling
Click here for more information
Request a quote, contact us or call (518) 743-0606 for more information.
SKU: n/a